Sat. Feb. 29th – Polk Republicans Cruise
Join fellow Republicans on a Victory Casino Cruise, Saturday February 29th, 2020! Bus departs from Lakeland around 8:45am, Haines City around 9am. We ride in comfort to Cape Canaveral, where we will board a Victory Casino Cruise Ship and spend the afternoon cruising the beautiful Atlantic off the coast of Cape Canaveral. We will return by early evening.
- All You Can Eat Lunch
- Great Beatles Classics Band
- An Afternoon with Republicans from across the i-4 corridor
- Gambling Package Included
Date: Sat. Feb 29th, 2020
Cruise Time: 11:00am
Cost: $99 per person / $149 per couple (all inclusive)
Deadline for registering for this cruise will be Thursday, 2/20/20!!
Bus details will follow on Monday 24th.
Registration available at PolkGop.org